Legislation for Transparency in AI now.

Photo by Igor Omilaev

First, What is ai TRAINING Data?

Training data is the foundation of Artificial Intelligence. It’s what AI uses to inform all of its answers to the prompts we provide. Right now, that source material is unregulated, and AI does not differentiate between misinformation and facts. Everything is used and plays a role in the results it shares with us, regardless of its accuracy.

Additionally, lack of regulation means that, in practice, everything found on the internet is seen as public domain. There is no regard for copyrights or privacy. Social Media posts, books, Wikipedia, personal and private data; all of it is fair game. Simply, if information is out there, AI can find and use it.

If you find any terms unfamiliar to you, they’re probably in our glossary of Key Terms.

Photo by Elimende Inagella

The dangers of no regulation.

There is no reason, outside of individual business interests from the largest players, that training data should not be regulated. It’s the foundation for which all AI systems are built, and the single greatest factor in determining their accuracy. Failing to address and regulate training data from the onset presents a clear and existing risk of consumer harm. That can, and must, be avoided. At its core, this is a safety issue. We cannot and should not repeat the unregulated missteps we’re currently facing around social media. Now is the time to act. We must not make the same mistake with AI.

Photo by Phil Desforges

The Urgency of Acting Now.

Unfortunately, we are now seeing and experiencing the overwhelming effects of lax, to non-existent, regulation around social media. Implementing reform once the damage is already done is not the way to proceed with public policy. We must protect our communities and our children now. The speed in which this technology is evolving does not leave room to wait. We need to focus on ensuring ethical AI, starting with transparency and traceability. Regulating a fair business opportunity for all means not only enforcing the regulations already in existence, but adding insight into AI model owner practices. Our solutions are linked below.

Transparency Coalition AI Bill Tracker

Stay up to date on AI-related bills introduced in the 2024 state legislative session in all 50 states.

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